Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fantasy Football

Ladies and Gentlemen the time is here. In just about 3 weeks the football season will be underway and for some of us the excitement will start this weekend. A lot of fantasy football drafts are being help this weekend in preparation for the up coming season. The question is are you ready? I think a lot of fantasy football outcome comes from the drafts that are happening this weekend. Do you have a good strategy? I'm thinking I do. I play in a 12 team league that is separated into 3 divisions. I also got the 3rd pick this year so I will have a lot of options depending on what the two people in front of me do. What are your guys picks? Do you have an idea of what you are going to do? Here is what I do, of course at the 3rd pick you are going to start out with a solid running back. It is hard to pass when you are picking that high in the order. After I pick my running back it will follow in this order WR, RB, QB, WR, RB, WR, QB, RB, WR, RB, TE, WR, DEF, RB, K. I have done some research over the past couple of months and I think by using this it will help out. Most the time when doing a draft a lot of people just go for the top guy, is that the case? If so has it worked for you in the past? I think a lot of your top guys will do big things, but there are sleepers that usually have big season. Who are your sleepers? I want to see what you guys have in mind for the upcoming drafts and what you guys think it takes to win. Comment on this and let me know what kind of league you are in and draft order etc. I am interested in to see what I could be doing different, there is a lot of money at stake. Thanks Adam

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Farve Baby!!

Ladies and Gentlemen I am please to introduce the Michael Jordan of football, Brett Farve! Is this guy for real, I know you are one of the greatest players of all time but when you call it QUITS, that's what it is suppose to mean. Let me think..... has it been the past two years now. Three weeks ago you told reports that you were not coming back, and now, oh boy. I guess we can look at it that he will have a better return with the Minnesota Vikings, they have a great running back in Adrian Peterson, there wide receivers will be better just because he is throwing the ball. Overall, I think Farve will be very impressive this year compared to last. Just remember next time you tell you're agent that you are done, please be done. I think people are done hearing the retiring word come out of your mouth cause its never true.

What do you guys think he will do for the Vikings? Do you think this Farve will have any fantasy value this year? Let me get some thoughts and feedback, and I bet if you are a vikings fan you are loving this right now. He will out play the quarterbacks you have now, and what he is 40. I mean the guy is an awesome football player, but it is one of those things that we went through with Michael Jordan and basketball. The last two season these guys have played were by far their worse years, and I guess they don't see that are get it. I wish him the best this year and like I said he will be better this year than last.

Farve, good luck to you and the Minnesota Vikings!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009


What a subject this could be. I have been in a few arguments the past couple of days due to this topic. Now I know that we will never see eye to eye and I hope you all know this. Why is it when you talk to somebody about a topic they are always right? Do they not understand that it is there own option. I understand that Obama is doing things that we don't agree with are that we could argue for days. If we don't agree with what is is doing then why don't we do something about it, rather than sitting back and complaining about. What are your guys view points on the health care, war? Let me get some feed back from all of you. Thanks Adam

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Making Money Online!!

How true is this statement? Do we really now the answer? I am hoping to get a blog started that just pays me for my time. I am not looking to make a lot. The way they have it set is up is for you to get paid per click. So when you see the ads by google those are called ad sense ads. Those are the ones that are paying the writing when you click. Do you guy have any other suggestions for other ad sense? I am still working and learning how to get some of the ads i created on to this site. This is a learning process and if any of you have any suggestions please feel free to let me know. Thank Adam

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Well as I am continuing to work on the blog and keep it interesting I have to start working on getting some traffic. I want to set this up for you guys to where it is a place to come and chat. I want to be able to learn from each other and help each other. AS my traffic starts to show up feel free to start leaving some post so we can get this thing started. I am a first time blogger and would like to see some of the people that do this a lot help to get us started. Also, for any of you that do blog on a regular basis feel free to leave me some input on what to do better or change, like I said I am new to this and would like to see people stick around. Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope you visit again. Thanks Adam

Friday, August 14, 2009


Alright guys it is now time to get this weekend started. If anytime lives in the Phoenix, AZ area boy do we have some stuff cooking this weekend. This weekend is going to include some good times with some great people. Wish you all were around to join us. Please please start leaving some post and lets get working on some topics. I am still in the process of getting the new site going and learning all the tricks, so please bare with me. I am hoping to have some pictures up for you guys soon so you all can enjoy. Well that all for now, have a fun and safe weekend and I will be back to chat with you all tomorrow... Thanks Adam

Whats up everyone!!

Hey what going on everybody!! My name is Adam Foster and I am working on getting a blog spot going. I am hoping everyone joins me for some disscussions and whatever we want to talk about. I hope people can come and enjoy, ask question, etc. I'm hoping that I will have enough followers to take of everybody's needs. Well bare with me while I getr this thing started and feel free to write or even leave some tips. Thanks guys Adam
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